Defending Fentanyl Possession Charges in Arizona: Legal Strategies to Know

Feature Article: Understanding Fentanyl Possession Charges in Arizona

Drug charges are serious offenses no matter where you live in the United States. Charges related to fentanyl possession can be even more severe, especially if the prosecutor can prove that the defendant intended to sell or distribute the drug. In Arizona, fentanyl possession charges can carry harsh sentencing and penalties.

The Basics of Fentanyl Possession Charges in Arizona

Fentanyl is a powerful synthetic opioid drug often used in prescription pain medication. Unfortunately, fentanyl abuse is on the rise in Arizona and other parts of the country. According to the Arizona Department of Health Services, there were 2,416 opioid-related deaths in Arizona between June 2017 and June 2018. Fentanyl alone was involved in 1,130 of those deaths.

Arizona has very strict drug possession laws, and fentanyl is no exception. Fentanyl possession in any amount can result in a felony drug charge. Additionally, it is important to note that Arizona has a zero-tolerance policy for drug possession within a certain distance of schools or daycare centers. If an individual is found in possession of fentanyl within 1,000-feet of a school or daycare, they can face mandatory sentencing enhancements.

Defenses Against Fentanyl Possession Charges

Being charged with fentanyl possession does not always mean automatic conviction. There are several defenses that can be used to combat these charges. It is essential to consult with an experienced criminal law attorney in Arizona to discuss these possible defenses.

One common defense is a lack of knowledge or intent. For example, if an individual was not aware that the substance they possessed was fentanyl or if they did not intend to possess or sell the drug, they may have a viable defense. This can be a more challenging defense to argue, and the prosecution will often try to prove that the defendant knew exactly what they were doing.

Another defense is an illegal search and seizure. If the police officer obtained the drug during an improper search or without a warrant, the evidence may be inadmissible in court.

The Importance of Having a Criminal Lawyer

It’s essential to have a criminal lawyer if facing a fentanyl possession charge in Arizona. A criminal lawyer can help the defendant choose the best defense for their case, explain the processes, and offer legal advice from their professional experience. With a good criminal lawyer, the defendant can try to avoid harsh sentencing and penalties.

The Consequences of Fentanyl Possession Charges in Arizona

If convicted of fentanyl possession in Arizona, the consequences can be severe. Even a first offense can result in mandatory minimum sentences and fines. For example, an individual convicted of a Class 4 felony drug charge involving fentanyl possession can face between 1.5 to 3 years in prison and up to $20,000 in fines.

It's essential to hire a criminal lawyer if facing a fentanyl possession charge in Arizona. It can mean the difference between a guilty verdict and the charges being dropped or reduced. With an experienced legal defense team, the defendant has a better chance of receiving a fair trial and avoiding devastating penalties.

The Bottom Line

Fentanyl possession charges in Arizona are taken very seriously and can lead to harsh penalties, including prison time and significant fines. While there are defenses against these charges, it is vital to consult with an experienced criminal defense attorney in Arizona. Do not hesitate to reach out to a criminal lawyer in Arizona to help defend against fentanyl possession charges.

Fentanyl Possession Defenses-Arizona

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